With the start of the new year, it is common to have new hopes, new motivation, and new self-improvement goals. Getting rid of bad habits and starting new positive habits, such as losing weight, saving money, taking time for oneself, stepping out of one’s comfort zone, going on adventures, or others has become a New Year’s tradition.
I’m Unexpectedly Pregnant, What Can I Do?
For some women who find out they are pregnant at this time of year, it can be a double blow. Unexpected positive pregnancy tests can send a rush of panic and emotion through a woman’s body. Women may feel defeated before even getting started on New Year’s resolutions. The goals of self-improvement feel out of reach. With these thoughts and the wave of pregnancy hormones a pregnant woman may give into negative thinking and become stuck and depressed. It is extremely important that she has supportive people around her. Reminding her that she is loved just the way she is. Birthright Counseling offers no cost counseling and supportive services to help women feel more confident and more powerful.
Get Support And Remember You Are Powerful
Birthright counselors can help remind the overwhelmed woman that her pregnancy can be an added motivation to chose healthy foods and balanced diets. A few pounds may be gained with the pregnancy, but not so much that it becomes your weight and not baby weight. Increasing walking or other regular exercise can help you to stay mentally and physically fit. You can develop a financial budget that incorporates savings for future expenses. The knowledge that a baby is on the way strengthens a woman’s resolve to make good financial decisions. And as for living a more adventurous life, motherhood is filled with exciting challenges. Stretching each woman to be the best person she can be.
Stay Positive And Remember You Are Strong
This positive take on finding out you are pregnant in the New Year may seem simplistic and idealistic, but there is a core truth to be learned. Life will always have its ups, downs, twists, and turns. Learning to see your strength and move forward with a positive mindset is key to all life circumstances. We all need people to remind us of this when we feel overwhelmed and scared. Birthright counselors will walk with you step by step. Listening to your fears and doubts. Encouraging you to take the next best step and reminding you that you are not alone on this journey. We have seen so many “deflated overwhelmed” women find their true power and rise to the challenge of motherhood.
No Cost Pregnancy Support For Women
Contact Birthright Counseling today if you are unexpectedly pregnant and needing support in the new year. No cost pregnancy tests, and professional counseling sessions are available any time.